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Request Maintenance

Simply login into our maintenance portal using your resident profile, and we will address your maintenance issue.

If this is a life threatening emergency call 911 immediately.

If you are leasing a property through RGroup Property Management and you have an issue at your property that requires maintenance, then please complete the form below. The lease requires that all maintenance requests must be submitted in writing. Completing this form will comply with this requirement and allow us to coordinate the required maintenance in a timely manner.

When completing the form to the right, please make sure that you have your best contact phone numbers as the office staff or the contractor will call to seek more detail about the problems that are occurring at the property. Failure to respond to our calls will simply result in extended delays in someone getting out to the property.

Simply stating that the toilet is not working is not sufficient for us to be able to know what is wrong with the unit and which contractor to send out. Please make sure you give us as much detail as possible.


Make managing easier.

Leverage the same processes and documentation that we use as licensed professionals to keep you sane and profitable.

Enjoy the fruits.

Experience the convenience of having licensed and experienced professionals handle the heavy lifting. You've worked hard to get where you are. Bring us on to enjoy the fruits of your investments even more.

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